Very Very Good Job!
Just a few words – still means the world to us! Downsizing to a new lifestyle can be a stressful and emotional journey for our elderly clients. So as Senior Move Managers, we don’t push to ask for a video … Continued
Just a few words – still means the world to us! Downsizing to a new lifestyle can be a stressful and emotional journey for our elderly clients. So as Senior Move Managers, we don’t push to ask for a video … Continued
With smart phones and the internet of everything, we can watch and respond to whatever is going on around the world in real time – and people are doing so in droves. I’m sure you’ve seen the instantaneous response to … Continued
I started to put my affairs in order the day I heard that Prince had died. It had been bad enough when David Bowie passed on, but Prince – now that was a little too close to the bone. As … Continued
As part of our Lifestyle Change Solution, we give interactive talks for elders on decluttering and downsizing. I was down in lovely sunny Mandurah recently having morning tea with two groups of elders at the Stockland Lifestyle Villages of Murray … Continued
You know when adults say “do as I say, not as I do” – well we can be guilty of saying to our clients that they really should have an inventory of their homes or business. We successfully undertake full inventories … Continued
Have you ever needed help with a job application form? We were asked if we could help put an application together – and did we have the technology to do so? Basically it was to connect, create, scan, print and … Continued
When going through a divorce, different parts of life can begin to slide. Whether it’s physical appearance, finances, home – the stress of ‘living’ whilst handling the destruction of ‘normal’ life can mean that the ‘living’ part becomes just too … Continued
In the agile business series we spoke about where our places of work. With technology keeping us connected, it can be argued – we can “work” wherever we happen to be. I answer calls when I am in the car … Continued
Work – love it or hate it, we go to work to make a difference in some way and to earn the money to pay for the things we want. We may or may not move up the corporate ladder. … Continued
It’s late, you’ve spent the day on the road, buzzing between clients, completing the jobs you’d booked in and trying desperately to call the people who left messages on your phone while you raced to your next job – hoping … Continued