It’s late, you’ve spent the day on the road, buzzing between clients, completing the jobs you’d booked in and trying desperately to call the people who left messages on your phone while you raced to your next job – hoping desperately you’ve not double booked yourself again. That was embarrassing.
You look at the scrawled notes you took, trying to cross check against the messages and the old, tatty paper diary you carry – and wonder if there was a better way to handle all of this.
But you don’t have the resources to hire anyone – your partner put their foot down and refused point blank after helping for the first couple of days.
If you’re going to use a physical diary how on earth do I know what spare time you’ve got? And I’m sick of you yelling at me, and then I’ve got to go back to them anyway cos I’ve double booked you – so you do it!
They had a point – but trying to do it all is killing you.
You also know you’re missing out on potential work. Lots of it, if the messages you’ve still got to sort out are anything to go by, and your calendar management was just not working out the way you hoped it would.
Unfortunately you know if you try and call them back now they will have organised someone else – because you didn’t get back to them in time. But you don’t want them to think you don’t care. You look at the clock again, and start calling.
Sure enough half of them had rung around and got someone else to do the work.
You’re disheartened enough to think about grabbing a beer and calling it quits for the night – and then you look at the paperwork that needed doing.
Sod it – why does it need to be so hard?
Your partner comes in with that cold beer and hands you a piece of paper with a telephone number on it.
I was talking to the lady who cleans our carpets today
Well I know she’s really busy, and like you – she’s on the road all the time, so I asked her how she kept it all going, booking the appointments and stuff while she’s on the road. And she told me she didn’t do it herself anymore, she’d found this local company who did it all the calendar management for her. They take the calls, answer any questions, provide estimates if required and book the jobs into a calendar they can all see. She said since she’d taken the service on – she’s gotten her evenings and weekends back AND it had paid for itself many times over.
You can’t do it yourself anymore – it’s killing you and it sure ain’t doing anything for our relationship.
Call them, and she also said you can call any time.
Do it now – and maybe we can get our evenings and weekends back too.
NE Solutions supports time poor people get their lives back. Call us on 1800 (NE Solution) 637 658 ne:time