Have you ever needed help with a job application form?
We were asked if we could help put an application together – and did we have the technology to do so?
Basically it was to connect, create, scan, print and send as the client didn’t have the means to, at home.
Well as our motto is always “yes we can help” – it saw me with a laptop, dongle and my printer/scanner visiting a client’s home on a Thursday evening.
After spending several hours working through a 15 page application for the client – which had to be entered online, handwritten, and them scanned and emailed. Not forgetting all his certificates scanned and uploaded; including his shoes, pants and shirt sizes. It made me wonder how many of the big corporations are actually putting applicants off by placing the process all online, and in triplicate?
Not everyone has a mini-office set up in their own homes, let alone internet to handle the task; even those of the senior years who are possibly job hunting again – may be sidelined because of the need to go online or scan documentation.
Without the IT skills – yet very skilful in their own vocations – it seems many take for granted that everyone knows (or should know) their way around a computer. In the case of our client he had just about managed to work out his smart phone – as he honestly admits he can weld a rig together – but was definitely technophobic.
Luckily his wife had searched for ne:one to help him………and now he’s back working at what he does best.