In our last elixir we asked you to review your business plan and we hope you did find the time to read, review and adjust for the coming year.

A business plan is important for many reasons. Not only does it help to clarify your thinking but it provides you with a solid foundation on which you can grow and move your business forward.

If you don’t own your own business, you can create a personal “business” plan. Why should you bother to do that?

Well you don’t, but you are hoping to set some goals for the year, then it can also give you structure for your thinking and planning.

Like a company business plan you should look at every aspect of what makes up your life including:

  • Family
  • Financial
  • Insurance and legal
  • Marketing (If you are on social media you are marketing – the question just has to be – are you promoting the best side of you?)
  • Health
  • IT (hardware and software)
  • Premises and
  • Support staff including carers, bookkeepers, friends and anyone else you rely on

Then you can decide:

  • What do you want to achieve by the end of the year?
  • What can you do this month / this week and each day of this week to move your goals forward?

In answering those questions, you can then determine:

  • Will you have enough resources to get you through the year?
  • What can you outsource?
  • What should you outsource?
  • What do you need to resource?

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