admin support

Have you ever found yourself stuck to find the time to undertake those mundane tedious tasks that get in the way, hoping for an easier, faster way?

Have you ever considered outsourcing them?

You already outsource a great deal of your life without really thinking much of it, such as pool cleaners or an accountant, because they are professionals in what they do.

When companies need services or skills that they don’t have within the organisation, they often turn to outsourcing, to put it simply you are going ‘out’ to find the ‘source’ of what you need.

Here at NE Solutions we are outsourced by many companies and individuals to help save time and money.  We like to call the outsourcing of your personal life – “Life-Sourcing”, because you are sourcing someone else to help with your life, and who doesn’t need a helping hand sometimes!

There are many positives to outsourcing many areas of your business and personal life:-

  • Outsourcing provides you with more time to dedicate to either your core business needs or more time to enjoy life.

  • Tasks are often outsourced to businesses that are specialised in that field e.g. project management, bookkeeping, personal concierge. The outsourced company may also have specific equipment and expertise that can mean the tasks are completed faster and of better quality.

  • Outsourcing certain components of your life or business helps to shift certain responsibilities to the outsourced company, leaving you time to relax and breathe that everything is under control.

  • Outsourcing avoids the need to hire individuals with the skills to do each job, meaning recruitment and operational costs can be minimised.

  • Outsourcing your personal to-do list avoids trying to find that time in the work day or your weekend to complete.

  • The outsourced company may have new ideas that you could put into practice, to possibly bring in more business or just make life simpler.

So when looking at your lack of personal free time or your business plan consider outsourcing as an alternative, it could save you money – but most of all it will definitely save you time!


Many hands make light work.

John Heywood

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