On 1st of July 2019, a single Charter of Consumer Rights in Aged Care was released, that makes rights clearer for you (also known as consumers).
The booklet is being translated into 18 languages and will be available shortly as an online and hardcover booklet.
As an extra precaution, providers (your aged care service company) have responsibilities to support you to understand the new Charter.
Service Providers must:
- give you a copy of the new Charter signed by them
- assist you to fully understand the Charter
- ensure that you and/or your authorised person has been given a reasonable opportunity to sign a copy of the Charter.
However, you are not legally required to sign the Charter and can commence, and/or continue to receive care and services, even if you choose not to sign.
The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) is supporting consumers to understand what this means for them and is providing free education about the new Charter of Aged Care Rights.
Here is a simple video made by OPAN that explains the rights in a simple and easy to understand format.
If you are not sure of how to access this information, or need support in doing so, please contact NE: Solutions for a no obligation 15–minute chat.
We are also here to support you NE: time with NE:thing else that you may be struggling with in regards to Senior Moves, accessing the right kind of support or assistance that may help you to remain independent in your own home and prepare well for the future.
Information regarding the New Charter of Rights taken from The Department of Health Website 1/7/2019